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Top 5 Reasons Your Infant Won’t Sleep: Solutions for New Moms

Every parent has faced those challenging nights when their little ones just can’t seem to settle down, no matter what you try. It’s frustrating, exhausting, and can leave you feeling helpless. Understanding the common reasons why your baby is struggling to sleep can help you find solutions to help your baby (and you) get the rest you need. 

Here are the top five reasons your baby might not be sleeping well along with some helpful tips to ease the way.

1. Hunger: The Need for Midnight Snacks

Newborns and young babies have small stomachs and need frequent feedings, including at night. If your baby wakes up crying, they might be hungry.


Ensure your baby is well-fed before bedtime. Newborns typically need to eat every 2-3 hours, while older babies might need a feed before bed. Establishing a consistent feeding routine can minimize nighttime wake-ups due to hunger. As your baby grows, they will gradually need fewer nighttime feedings, leading to more restful nights for both of you.

2. Overstimulation: Too Much Excitement



Babies can become easily overstimulated, especially if they have been very active or exposed to lots of new experiences close to bedtime. This can make it hard for them to wind down and settle into sleep.


To help your baby unwind, create a calm and quiet environment in the evening. Engage in soothing activities that signal it’s time to relax, such as reading a gentle story, softly singing lullabies, or giving your baby a warm bath. This helps create a peaceful bedtime routine that cues your baby that it’s time to sleep. Avoid overstimulating activities and bright screens before bedtime.

3. Discomfort: Feeling Uncomfortable

Babies might wake up due to discomfort caused by various factors such as a wet diaper, tight clothing, an unsuitable sleeping environment, or even teething pain.


To ensure your baby is as comfortable as possible, start by checking their sleep environment. Keep the room at a moderate temperature, ideally between 68-72°F. Dress your baby in a breathable bamboo sleep sack from Cuddliez to help regulate their body temperature and provide a soft, comfortable layer without overheating.

Make sure their diaper is dry and clean before bedtime, as a wet diaper can be a significant source of discomfort. If teething seems to be causing distress, consider using a teething gel or providing a teething toy to soothe sore gums. 

4. Sleep Associations: Relying on Specific Conditions



If your baby has become used to falling asleep under certain conditions, such as being rocked or nursed to sleep, they might wake up during the night needing those same conditions to fall back asleep.


Gradually help your baby learn to fall asleep independently. Start by placing them in their crib when they are drowsy but still awake. This allows them to begin learning to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own.

Introduce a consistent bedtime routine with calming activities, such as reading a gentle story or singing a lullaby. A comforting object, like a lovey or a soft bamboo sleep sack from Cuddliez, can also provide a sense of security and help your baby feel more at ease. 

5. Sleep Regression: Developmental Changes

Sleep regression in newborns occurs when an infant who previously slept well starts waking up frequently due to developmental milestones, growth spurts, or changes in their routine. These periods of disrupted baby sleep are common and often linked to significant changes in your baby’s growth and development.


Be patient and stick to your established sleep routine. Consistency and reassurance are key during these times. Provide extra comfort and support, whether through soothing words, gentle touches, or a comforting sleep environment.

Remember, sleep regression is typically temporary and usually lasts a few weeks. Ensure your baby’s sleep environment remains calm and conducive to rest, as this can support their adjustment during these developmental changes. With time and patience, your baby will likely return to more restful sleep patterns.

Wrap Up

Understanding the reasons behind your baby’s sleep struggles and implementing these solutions can make a significant difference. By addressing hunger, overstimulation, discomfort, sleep associations, and sleep regressions, you can help your baby get the rest they need.

With patience and a bit of adjustment, you can help your little one find the comfort and security they need to sleep soundly. For more tips and high-quality sleep products designed with your baby’s comfort in mind, use Cuddliez Baby Sleeping bags  . We’re here to support you in creating peaceful nights and happy mornings for your family.


Q: How can I tell if my baby is overstimulated?
A: Signs of overstimulation include fussiness, difficulty calming down, and trouble falling asleep. Create a calm, quiet environment to help them relax.


Q: What is sleep regression, and how long does it last?
A: Sleep regression is a period when a baby who previously slept well starts waking up frequently. It typically lasts 2-6 weeks and coincides with developmental milestones.


Q: How can I make my baby’s sleep environment more comfortable?
A: Ensure the room is dark, quiet, and cool. Use a breathable, comfortable sleep sack like those from Cuddliez to help your baby sleep better.