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Help your Baby Sleep in a Crib | 5 Tips for New Moms

You’ve totally rocked feeding time – way to go! Now, how about we tackle the next big adventure: moving your little one from your cozy arms (or that bassinet) into their very own crib. It might feel like a challenge at first, but trust us, it’s worth it. A crib gives your baby a safe, comfy space to sleep soundly, which means more rest for everyone!


We know, getting your baby used to sleeping in a crib can be a bit tricky. They’re so used to being snuggled up close! But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. With patience and understanding, your little one will be sleeping peacefully in their crib in no time.


Let’s dive into 5 tried-and-true tips to make this transition smooth and easy for you and your baby.

1. Create a Cozy Sleep Environment for Your Baby

When it’s time to help your little one sleep in their crib, setting the scene is vital! Here are a few ways to ensure your baby feels safe and snug in their new sleep space.

  • Invest in a Quality Sleep Bag: A bamboo sleep sack, like Cuddliez, has been designed to provide the perfect balance of warmth, breathability, and comfort. It can also cue your baby to signal it’s time for rest.
  • Consistent Room Temperature: Aim to keep the nursery at a comfortable temperature that is not too hot or cold, ideally between 68-72°F.
  • Dim Lighting: Blackout curtains are excellent for keeping the room dark, and a soft nightlight can add a touch of magic if needed.
  • Use a Flat, Firm Sleep Surface: Keep the crib mattress firm and flat with only a fitted sheet, and avoid soft sleep surfaces.

2. Establish a Baby Bedtime Routine 



A regular bedtime routine is like a gentle lullaby for your baby, letting them know it’s time to wind down and prepare for sweet dreams. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Bath Time: A warm bath can be very relaxing.
  • Gentle Massage: A gentle massage can help ease your baby’s muscles and relieve tension..
  • Story Time: Reading a short, calming story can be a great way to end the day.
  • Lullabies: Singing or playing soft lullabies can help soothe your baby to sleep.

3. Keep the Crib Empty

While it’s tempting to offer your baby a transitional object to comfort them, the AAP recommends keeping the crib clear of any objects that might pose a risk of suffocation or SIDS. So, that means no loose blankets, stuffed toys, or soft objects in the crib. Just a firm, flat mattress with a fitted sheet is all your baby needs for a safe sleep.

4. Gradual Transition

If your baby is used to sleeping somewhere else, a gradual change is the way to go. Start with daytime naps in the crib so they get familiar with the crib in smaller, manageable increments.

Once your baby is comfortable napping in the crib, gradually move on to nighttime sleep. Initially, you can stay in the room until your baby falls asleep. Your presence will offer reassurance and help your baby feel secure in the new sleeping space. 

Over time, as your baby becomes more accustomed to the crib, you can slowly decrease the time you spend in the room until they can fall asleep on their own.

5. Maintain Consistency

Consistency is key when helping your baby adjust to their crib. Once you start the transition, always put them to sleep there. This reinforces that the crib is their safe sleep space.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends. Regular sleep and wake times help regulate your baby’s internal clock, making it easier for them to fall asleep and wake up naturally.

6. Addressing Common Challenges

Transitioning to a crib can come with its own challenges. No parent likes to see their baby crying and feeling uncomfortable, but remember that it’s completely normal for children to resist change!

When dealing with crying and fussiness, offer comfort but try not to revert to old habits. If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, provide reassurance and comfort without picking them up immediately. Gently patting their back, speaking softly, or offering a transitional object can help soothe them back to sleep.

Even if the process is taking longer than expected, keep in mind that your baby will eventually get used to the new sleeping environment. Perseverance and consistency are key for helping your baby adjust to change. Stay patient, and celebrate the small victories along the way, knowing that each step brings you closer to a restful night for both you and your little one.

Why Bamboo Rayon Sleep Sacks Are Ideal



Bamboo rayon sleep sacks are great options to improve your baby’s sleep quality and help them sleep peacefully in their crib. Here’s why:

  • Breathable Fabrics: Bamboo rayon fabric lets air flow so your baby’s body stays at the perfect temperature all night. This prevents overheating and helps them feel comfortable throughout the night. 
  • Soft and Hypoallergenic: Bamboo is incredibly soft on the skin and perfect for babies with sensitive skin or allergies. It offers a soothing sensation similar to a gentle touch.
  • Eco-Friendly: Bamboo is a sustainable resource so you can feel good about your choice.

Wrap Up

Moving your baby to a crib is a significant step towards fostering independent sleep habits and ensuring safety. By creating a comfortable sleep environment, establishing a soothing bedtime routine, and maintaining consistency, you can make this transition smooth and stress-free. 

And remember, a bamboo sleep sack from Cuddliez can provide the comfort and security your baby needs to sleep soundly in their new crib.


Q: What is safest for a newborn : sleepsack, swaddle or onesie in a crib?

A: An infant sleep sack is a safe way of sleeping for a newborn. Sleep sacks are also great for making sure babies stay warm while keeping loose blankets out of the crib to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS. 


Q: When is the best time to transition my baby to a crib?
A: It’s generally recommended to transition your baby to a crib around 3-6 months of age, or when they outgrow their bassinet.


Q: How can I make the crib more comfortable for my baby?
A: Use a sleeping sack for warmth, maintain a comfortable room temperature, and ensure the crib mattress is firm and supportive.


Q: My baby cries every time I put them in the crib. What should I do?
A: This is common. Try comforting your baby without picking them up immediately. Consistency and a gradual transition can help.

Feel free to share your thoughts or any additional topics you’d like to cover next!

Other questions to use alongside the above: 


Q:  How does a sleep sack improve safety compared to traditional blankets in a crib?

A: A sleep sack improves safety by fitting snugly around the baby’s body, preventing loose fabric that could cover the baby’s face or get tangled, thereby minimizing the risk of suffocation or strangulation. 


Q: Can an infant sleep safe in a crib? 

A: Yes, an infant can sleep safe in a crib or baby bassinet, as long as you implement the safety measures recommended by AAP.  


Q: Where shouldn’t a baby sleep?

A: Avoid couches, swings, armchairs, or the parent’s bed. 


Q: What is the recommended sleeping position for babies to reduce the risk of SIDS, and why?

A: Back sleeping is recommended for babies to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) because it is the safest sleeping position. 


Q: What changes occur in sleeping recommendations when a baby learns to roll over?

A: Once a baby can roll over independently, the strict back-sleeping recommendation is less emphasized, as babies will often find their preferred sleeping position.


Q: Why is it advised against using pillows or a non-firm flat mattress in a baby’s crib?

A: Using pillows or a non-firm flat mattress is discouraged because they can pose suffocation risks, increasing the likelihood of SIDS or accidental injury.


Q: What are some hazards that should not be left in a baby’s crib, and why?

A: Hazards like loose blankets, toys, or any soft bedding should not be left in a baby’s crib as they can pose suffocation risks or lead to accidental injury.